Conference Publications
Since joining the University of Dayton
1) S. Chakravarty, J. Shen, D. Donnelly, Compact Interferometer Devices for Chip-Based Chem-Bio Sensing
, SPIE Photonics West 12861-4 (2024) (Invited)
2) J. Shen, J. C. Guana, A. Rai, L. McClimans, R. Lawandi, A. Perera, M. Kango-Singh, S. Chakravarty, Fixed Wavelength Interferometer Sensors for Low-Cost Chem-Bio Sensing Applications
, SPIE Photonics West 12861-8 (2024)
3) A. Perera, J. Shen, S. Chakravarty, Sub-Wavelength Waveguide Michelson Interferometer Sensors
, SPIE Photonics West 12861-9 (2024)
4) Z. Perrico, J. Shen, A. Perera, S. Chakravarty, Electrochemical Bubble Delamination and Transfer of CVD Graphene from Copper to Si/SiO2 Utilizing Mechanical Assistance
, 2023 Fall Meeting of the APS Eastern Great Lakes Section (10/21/2023); Bulletin of the American Physical Society L05.00001 (2023).
5) D. Donnelly, J. Shen, S. Chakravarty, A compact Michelson Interferometer based on-chip Fourier Transform Spectrometer
, SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing 12516-16 (2023); Proc. of the SPIE 12516, 125160F (2023)
6) J. Shen, D. Donnelly, S. Chakravarty, Reflected path enhanced absorbance in an integrated photonic gas sensor
, SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing 12532-25 (2023); Proc. of the SPIE 12532, 125320R (2023)
7) J. Shen, D. Donnelly, S. Chakravarty, Integrated photonic slow light Michelson interferometer bio sensor
, SPIE Photonics West 12424-85 (2023); Proc. of the SPIE 12424, 124241B (2023)
8) J. Shen, D. Donnelly, S. Chakravarty, Compact, oxide-embedded atto-joule-per-bit bus-coupled photonic crystal nanobeam switches
, SPIE Photonics West 12424-72 (2023); Proc. of the SPIE 12424, 1242412 (2023)
9) J. Shen, S. Chakravarty, Compact, multiplexed, energy-efficient silicon nanophotonic switches
, SPIE International Workshop on Thin Films for Electronics, Electro-Optics, Energy and Sensors 2022, 12477, 1247703 (2023) (Invited)
10) J. Shen, A. Perera, D. Donnelly, S. Chakravarty, Phase-change-material phase error corrected resolution enhanced Michelson interferometer Fourier Transform Spectrometer
, (submitted)
11) J. Shen, A. Perera, S. Chakravarty, Phase-corrected fixed wavelength slow wave Michelson interferometer chem-biosensor
Prior to joining the University of Dayton
**Starred Publications were funded as Principal Investigator (PI)
12) T. Fan, R. Safian, S. Chakravarty, L. Zhuang, A wideband polarization rotator-splitter based on imec iSiPP50G silicon photonics platform
, Proc. Of the SPIE 11691-2 (2021)
13) L. Zhuang, R. Safian, S. Chakravarty, A.N.R. Ahmed, M. Teng, Y. Xie, D. Dai, P. Jiao, M. Ding, C. Zhang, Silicon photonics nonlinear switch as conditional circulator for single-aperture LIDAR systems
, Proc. Of the SPIE 11691-18 (2021)
14) S. Chakravarty, R. Safian, L. Zhuang, Wide optical and RF Bandwidth thin film lithium niobate modulator on silicon
, CLEO (Opt. Soc. of America, JTu3A.126 (2021)
15) R. Safian, S. Chakravarty, M. Teng, L. Zhuang, Foundry-compatible thin-film lithium niobate electro-optic modulators
, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV, 11283, 112832F (2020).
16) ** J. Midkiff, S. Chakravarty, K-M. Yoo, R. T. Chen, Mid-Infrared 2-D Beam Steering
, CLEO (Opt. Soc. of America, Oral Presentation, AW3K.5 (2019)
17) **K-M. Yoo, J. Midkiff, A. Rostamian, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Suspended Membrane InGaAs Photonic Crystal Waveguides for ammonia sensing at lambda=6.15μm
, CLEO (Opt. Soc. of America, STh1F. 6 (2019).
18) **S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen et al., Compact integrated photonic components for lambda=3-15μm
, Proceedings of the SPIE 109210D (2019); (SPIE Photonics West, 2019, (Oral presentation)
19) ** J. Midkiff, S. Chakravarty, K. Yoo, A. Rostamian, R. T. Chen, Monolithic integration of quantum cascade laser, quantum cascade detector, and subwavelength waveguides for mid-infrared integrated gas sensing
, Proceedings of the SPIE 109261V (2019); SPIE Photonics West, 2019, (Oral presentation)
20) **S. Chakravarty, J. Midkiff, K. Yoo, A. Rostamian, R. T. Chen, Chip Integrated Handheld Absorption Spectroscopy
, (Invited) GOMACTech (Government Microcircuit and Critical Technologies) Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico (March 2019)
21) **J. Guo, A. Rostamian, S. Chakravarty, H. Yan, C-J. Chung, E.Heidari, R.T. Chen, Mid-Infrared Silicon-on-Sapphire Polarization Rotator
, CLEO (Opt. Soc. of America, SF3J.6 (2018)
22) **A. Rostamian, J. Guo, S. Chakravarty, C-J. Chung, D. Nguyen, R. T. Chen, Parts-Per-Billion Carbon Monoxide Sensing in Silicon-on-Sapphire Mid-Infrared Photonic Crystal Waveguides
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America, ATh1O.4 (2018)
23) **S. Chakravarty, J. Midkiff, A. Rostamian, J. Guo, R. T. Chen, Monolithic Integration of Quantum Cascade Laser, Quantum Cascade Detector and Slotted Photonic Crystal Waveguide for Absorbance Sensing from λ=3–15μm
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America, STh1B.4 (2018)
24) **S. Chakravarty, J. Midkiff, C-J. Chung, A. Rostamian, J. Guo, R. T. Chen, Polarization Rotator in Low Index Contrast Substrates for Mid-Infrared Photonic Integration
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America, JW2A.40 (2018)
25) **S. Chakravarty, X. Xu, H. Yan, -C. Lai, Y. Zou, R. T. Chen, Slow Light Enhanced Silicon Chip Based Chem-Bio Sensors
, OSA Adv. Photon. Congress, New Orleans, LA (2017) (Invited)
26) **S. Chakravarty, H. Yan, Y. Zou, R. T. Chen, Mid-Infrared Silicon Photonic Devices and Sensors
, IEEE Photonics Summer Topicals, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2017)
27) **L. J. Huang, H. Yan, X. Xu, S. Chakravarty, N. M. Tang, H. P. Tian, R. T. Chen, Low detection limit sensor based on subwavelength grating racetrack resonator
, Proc. of the SPIE 10077, 100770M (2017) doi: 10.1117/12.2252429
28) **Z. Wang, C. Liu, E. W. Li, S. Chakravarty, A. X. Wang, D. L. Fan, R. T. Chen, Models and Raman Analysis of Molecular Nanofilms Conjugated on Photonic Crystal Slabs
, Proc. of the SPIE 10077, 10077G (2017) doi: 10.1117/12.2253392
29) H. Yan, X. Xu, C. J. Chung, H. Subbaraman, Z. Y. Pan, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, One-dimensional photonic crystal slot waveguide for silicon-organic hybrid electro-optic modulators
, Proc. of the SPIE 10109, 10109O-1 (2017) doi: 10.1117/12.2253154
30) **Z. Wang, H. Yan, S. Chakravarty, D. Fan, R. T. Chen, Coupled Photonic Crystal Microcavities for High-Q sensing
, IEEE CLEO San Jose Jun 5-10, (2016).
31) H. Yan, X. Xu, C-J. Chung, H. Subbaraman, Z. Y. Pan, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Silicon-organic Hybrid Electro-optic Modulator Based on One-dimensional Photonic Crystal Slot Waveguides
, IEEE CLEO San Jose Jun 5-10, (2016).
32) **Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, C.-J. Chung, R. T. Chen, Miniature mid-infrared thermo-optic switch with photonic crystal waveguide-based silicon-on-sapphire Mach-Zehnder interferometers
in OPTO (Photonics West), San Francisco, California, United States (2016) (oral).
33) **H. Yan, N. Tang, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, High-sensitivity high-throughput chip based biosensor array for multiplexed detection of heavy metals
, in BiOS (Photonics West), San Francisco, California, United States (2016) (oral) Proc. of the SPIE 9725, 972507 (2016).
34) **Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Mid-infrared silicon-on-sapphire waveguide-coupled photonic crystal microcavities
, in OPTO (Photonics West), San Francisco, CA (2016) (oral).
35) **S. Chakravarty, Ray T. Chen, N. Tang, Y. Zou, W.-C. Lai, H. Yan, C.-J. Yang, Silicon chip integrated photonic sensors for biological and chemical sensing
, in BiOS (Photonics West), San Francisco, California, United States, 14th February 2016 (Invited). (oral) Proc. of the SPIE 9705, 97250O (2016).
36) **X. Zhang, S. Chakravarty, C.-J. Chung, Z. Pan, H. Yan, and R. T. Chen, Microheater-integrated silicon coupled photonic crystal microcavities for low-power thermo-optic switching over a wide spectrum
, in in OPTO (Photonics West), San Francisco, CA (2016) (oral)
37) **Y. Zou, P. Wray, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Experimental Demonstration of Mid-Infrared Holey and Slotted Photonic Crystal Waveguides in Silicon on Sapphire
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID: STu4I.3, San Jose, CA (2015).
38) **C-J. Yang, N. Tang, H. Yan, S. Chakravarty, D. Li, R. T. Chen, 193nm Lithography Fabricated High Sensitivity Photonic Crystal Microcavity Biosensors for Plasma Protein Detection in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer
, in CLEO (OSA), Abstract ID: STu4K.5, San Jose, CA (2015).
39) **X. Xu, H. Subbaraman, S. Chakravarty, and R. T. Chen, Bending Behavior of Flexible Crystalline Silicon Nanomembrane Photonic Crystal Microcavities
, in CLEO: 2015, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper SF2H.3
40) **Y. Zou, P. Wray, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Silicon on Sapphire Chip Based Photonic Crystal Waveguides for Detection of Chemical Warfare Simulants And Volatile Organic Compound
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID: AF2J.1, San Jose, CA (2015).
41) **Y. Zou, K. Vijayraghavan, P. Wray, S. Chakravarty, M.A. Belkin, R. T. Chen, Monolithically Integrated Quantum Cascade Lasers, Detectors and Dielectric Waveguides at 9.5μm for Far-Infrared Lab-on-Chip Chemical Sensing
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID: STu4I.2, San Jose, CA (2015).
42) **Z. Wang, C. Liu, S. Chakravarty, D.L. Fan, A. Wang, R. T. Chen, Universal Enhancement of Raman Scattering Sensing by Plasmonic Nanotubes Coupled with Photonic Crystal Slab
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID: SM3O.3, San Jose, CA (2015).
43) **H. Yan, C-J. Yang, Y. Zou, N. Tang, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Wide Dynamic Range Specific Detection of Therapeutic Drugs by Photonic Crystal Microcavity Arrays
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID: STu4K.2, San Jose, CA (2015).
44) **X. Zhang, S. Chakravarty, C-J. Chung, Z. Pan, R. T. Chen, Wide-spectrum-range Power-efficient Compact Thermo-optic Switch Based on Coupled Photonic Crystal Microcavities
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), San Jose, CA (2015).
45) **Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, X. Xu, R.T. Chen, Integrated photonic crystal waveguides on silicon-on-sapphire for chemical sensing in mid-infrared
, Proc. SPIE 9367, Silicon Photonics X, 93670X (2015)
46) **S. Chakravarty, N. Tang, H. Yan, C. Yang, Y. Zou, R. Gemmill, Q. Shen, R. T. Chen, Photonic Crystal Microarray Sensing of Cancer Cell Line Lysates
, AACR Annual Meeting, 2014:5317. (2014)
47) **Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, W. Lai, R. T. Chen, Silicon Chip Based Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Optical Spectroscopy for Volatile Organic Compound Sensing
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID STh3M.6. San Jose, CA (2014)
48) **C. Yang, Y Zou, S. Chakravarty, H. Yan, Z. Wang, R.T. Chen, Wide Dynamic Range Sensing in Photonic Crystal Microcavity Biosensors
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID STh4H.5. San Jose, CA (2014)
49) **P. Wray, Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Silicon on Sapphire Chip Based Mid-Infrared Optical Spectroscopy for Detection of Chemical Warfare Simulant Triethyl phosphate
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID AW1P.2. San Jose, CA (2014)
50) **H. Yan, Y. Zou, C. Yang, Z. Wang, N. Tang, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Photonic Crystal (PC) Waveguide Based Optical Filters for Dense Integration of High Sensitivity PC Biosensors
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID JTu4A.94. San Jose, CA (2014)
51) **X. Xu, H. Subbaraman, A. Hosseini, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, Flexible Crystalline Silicon Nanomembrane Photonic Crystal Microcavity
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID SW1M.6. San Jose, CA (2014)
52) **Z. Wang, S. Chakravarty, H. Subbaraman, X. Xu, D. Fan, A. Wang, R. T. Chen, Micro-fluid Channel Based on Ultralow-loss Silicon Crossing Waveguide for Various Sensing
, in CLEO (Optical Society of America), Abstract ID ATu2P.5. San Jose, CA (2014)
53) X. Xu, H. Subbaraman, S. Chakravarty, R. T. Chen, High-performance conformal sensors employing single-crystal silicon nanomembranes
, Proc. SPIE 8990, Silicon Photonics IX, 89900U (March 8, 2014).
54) **S. Chakravarty, H. Subbaraman, Y. Zou, W. Lai, R. T. Chen, Methods to array photonic crystal microcavities for high throughput high sensitivity biosensing on a silicon-chip based platform
, Proc. SPIE 8990, Silicon Photonics IX, 89900S (March 8, 2014).
55) **Y. Zou, H. Subbaraman, S. Chakravarty, X. Xu, A. Hosseini, W. Lai, R. T. Chen, Integrated strip and slot waveguides in silicon-on-sapphire for Mid-Infrared VOC detection in Water
, Proc. SPIE 8990, Silicon Photonics IX, 89900X (March 8, 2014).
56) **W. Lai, Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, L. Zhu, R. T. Chen, Comparative sensitivity analysis of integrated optical waveguides for near-infrared volatile organic compounds with 1ppb detection
, Proc. SPIE 8990, Silicon Photonics IX, 89900Z (March 8, 2014).
57) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, R.T. Chen, Silicon Photonic Crystal Open Sensors for High Sensitivity Multiplexed Chem-Bio Sensing
, OSA Frontiers in Optics (2013) (Invited)
58) D. Kwong, J.L. Covey, A. Hosseini, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, S. Chakravarty, R.T. Chen, Crosstalk Suppression of Corrugated Waveguides in an Optical Phased Array Using 2D Photonic Crystal Slab
, CLEO, San Jose, CA (2013),
59) X Zhang, A Hosseini, X Xu, S Wang, Q Zhan, Y Zou, S Chakravarty, RT Chen, Electric field sensor based on electro-optic polymer refilled silicon slot photonic crystal waveguide coupled with bowtie antenna
, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2013); Proc. of the SPIE OPTO, 862418-862418-8 (2013) (Citation: 19)
60) **C-C.Hsieh, S. Chakravarty, Y. Zou, L. Zhu, R.T. Chen, High Sensitivity Biosensing Based on Symmetric Coupled Cavity Structure of Photonic Crystal Microcavities
, Oral Presentation at CLEO, San Jose, CA (2013); Pres. Number: CM2H.8; Control Number: 1661677.
61) **L. Zhu, S. Chakravarty, C-C. Hsieh, W-C. Lai, R.T. Chen, Slow Light Waveguide and Enhanced Area Microcavity Engineering for High Sensitivity Photonic Crystal Sensors
, Poster Presentation at CLEO, San Jose, CA (2013); Pres. Number: JTu4A.103; Control Number: 1662186
62) **Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, R.T. Chen, High yield silicon photonic crystal microcavity biosensors with 100fM detection limit
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2013); Proc. of the SPIE 8570, 857008 (2013)
63) **S. Chakravarty, R.T. Chen, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, R.M. Gemmill, Silicon photonic crystal microarrays for high throughput label-free proteomics for detection of cancers with sensitivity and specificity
, (Invited) Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2013); Proc. of the SPIE 8570, 857005 (2013)
64) **W-C. Lai, S. Chakravarty, Y. Zou, R.T. Chen, Multiplexed selective detection and identification of TCE and xylene in water by on-chip absorption spectroscopy
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2013); Proc. of the SPIE 8627, 86270K (2013)
65) J. Ahn, H. Subbaraman, L. Zhu, S. Chakravarty, E. Tutuc, R.T. Chen, 2D silicon-based surface-normal vertical cavity photonic crystal waveguide array for high density optical interconnects
, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2013); Proc. of the SPIE 8630, 86300D (2013).
66) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, H.A. Drabkin, G.R. Simon, S.H. Chin, R.T. Chen, R. M. Gemmill, Photonic crystal microarray sensing of biomolecules: Detection of ZEB1 associated with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in lung cancer cells
, Abstract 735, Poster Section 31, AACR Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 6-10 April (2013).
67) **S. Chakravarty, R.T. Chen, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, Silicon Photonic Crystal Microcavity Biosensors for Multiplexed High Throughput Detection of Cancers with Specificity and High Sensitivity
, (Invited) Oral Presentation at 10th International Conference on nano-molecular electronics, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan, 12-14 December (2012).
68) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, R.T. Chen, Photonic crystal microcavity engineering and high-density bio-patterning for chip-integrated microarray applications
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2012); Proc. of the SPIE 8212, 821220A (2012).
69) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, R.T. Chen, On-chip sensing of volatile organic compounds in water by hybrid polymer and silicon photonic-crystal slot-waveguide devices
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2012); Proc. of the SPIE 8258, 825815 (2012).
70) **W-C. Lai, S. Chakravarty, Y. Zou, H.A. Drabkin, R.M. Gemmill, G.R. Simon, S.H. Chin, R.T. Chen, Silicon photonic crystal microcavity biosensors for label-free highly sensitive and specific lung cancer detection
, Oral Presentation at IEEE Photonics, Burlingame, CA, WD3 (2012)
71) **Y. Zou, S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, R.T. Chen, Experimental detection of 1 pico-molar concentration from high-Q photonic crystal microcavity biosensors
, Oral Presentation at IEEE Photonics, Burlingame, CA, MR3 (2012).
72) **W-C. Lai, S. Chakravarty, Y. Zou, R. T. Chen, Loss Engineered High Sensitivity Photonic Crystal Microcavities for Multiplexed Detection of Biomolecules
, Rochester, NY, OSA Frontiers in Optics, FM3H (2012)
73) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, Y. Zou, C-Y. Lin, R.T. Chen, Silicon nanomembrane based photonic crystal nanostructures for chip-integrated open sensor systems
, (Invited) Oral Presentation at International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology Optoelectronic Devices and Integration (2011); Proc. of the SPIE 8198, 819802 (2011).
74) **S. Chakravarty, Photonic crystal microarray nano-platform for high throughput diagnostic assays of cancers
, Oral Presentation at Hollings Cancer Center Developmental Cancer Therapeutics program Biomarker retreat, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, October 14 (2011).
75) X. Wang, C-Y. Lin, S. Chakravarty, J.D. Luo, A-K-Y. Jen, R.T. Chen, Slow light enhanced E-O polymer nano-photonic modulator with ultra-high effective in-device r33
, Conference of the Lasers and Electro-Optic Society CLEO, CTuN6 (2011) (Oral Presentation).
76) **S. Chakravarty, R.T. Chen, Photonic crystal slot waveguide spectroscopy detection of chemical warfare simulants
, Conference of the Lasers and Electro-Optic Society CLEO, CThC4 (2011) (Oral Presentation).
77) **W-C. Lai, K. Moncivais, S. Chakravarty, X. Wang, C-Y. Lin, Z. J. Zhang, R.T. Chen, High density ink jet printing of biomolecules for photonic crystal-based microarray applications
, Optical Sensors Topical Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 1084519 (2011).
78) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, X. Wang, C-Y. Lin, R.T. Chen, Photonic crystal slot waveguide optical absorption spectrometer for high-sensitivity near-infrared detection of xylene in water
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, Orlando, FL, CA (2011); Proc. of the SPIE 8032, 80320N (2011).
79) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, K. Moncivais, X. Wang, C-Y. Lin, Z. Zhang, R.T. Chen, Photonic crystal microarray nano-platform for high-throughput detection of biomolecules for diagnostic assays
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing, Orlando, FL, CA (2011); Proc. of the SPIE 8034, 803402 (2011).
80) **S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, X. Wang, C-Y. Lin, R.T. Chen, Photonic crystal slot waveguide spectrometer for the detection of methane
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2011); Proc. of the SPIE 7941, 79410K (2011).
81) C-Y. Lin, X. Wang, B-S. Lee, W-C. Lai, S. Chakravarty, R T. Chen, Group Velocity Independent Coupling into Slow Light Photonic Crystal Waveguide
, Oral Presentation, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2011); Proc. of the SPIE 7944, 79440K (2011).
82) C-Y. Lin, X. Wang, S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, R.T. Chen, Experimental Demonstration of Ultra-low loss coupling into slow light slotted photonic crystal waveguide on silicon nanomembrane
, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and nanophotonics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America), paper IMF2 (2011).
83) **R.T. Chen, S. Chakravarty, W-C. Lai, Photonic Crystal Microarray Nanoplatform for High-Throughput Highly Sensitive Detection and Identification of Cancers
, Poster Presentation at National Cancer Institute, Cancer Detection and Diagnostic Technologies for Global Health, Rockville, MD, August 21-23, TTT-6, Page 61 (2011)
84) C-Y. Lin, B-S. Lee, X. Wang, W-C. Lai, S. Chakravarty, Y. Liu, D. Kwong, R.T. Chen, J. Luo, A. K. Y. Jen, Ultra-compact silicon nanophotonic modulator based on electro-optic polymer infiltrated slot photonic crystal waveguide
, Oral Presentation at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA (2010), Proc. of the SPIE 7607, 76070D (2010).
85) X. Wang, S. Chakravarty, B-S. Lee, C. Lin, J. Luo, A.K.Y. Jen, R. T. Chen, Nanophotonic electro-optic polymer modulator based on photonic bandgap engineering
, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA), PDPC4,Jul.12-15 (2009),Oahu, Hawaii.
86) X. Wang, S. Chakravarty, B-S. Lee, C. Lin, R. T. Chen, Electro-optic polymer based nanophotonic modulator with ultra-high efficiency
, Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Technology Conference, pages 86-87 (2009).
87) Y-F. Cheng, W-C. Lo, M-J. Chen, P. Huang, C. Chen, S. Chakravarty, P. Yu, R. Dover, Improving cost of ownership on KLA-Tencor wafer fab reticle inspections by implementing pixel migration via new STARlight2+ capability
, Proc. of the SPIE, 7122, 71223J (2008).
88) C-T. Huang, Y-F. Cheng, S-M. Kuo, C-H. Huang, S. Chakravarty, J. Huang, J. Lin, D. Wang, Inspectability of PSM masks for 32nm node using STARlight2+
, Proc. of the SPIE, 7028, 70282P (2008).
89) A. Lan, J. Hsu, S. Chakravarty, V. Hsu, E. Chen, E. Lu, J. Miller, Fast integrated die-to-die transmitted, reflected and STARlight-2 defect inspection on memory masks
, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7028, 70281J (2008).
90) S-M. Yen, S. Chakravarty, J. Huang, J. Miller, R. Dover, D. Wang, Improving COO on KLA-Tencor wafer fab reticle inspections by implementing pixel migration as new STARlight2+
, Proc. of the SPIE, 7028, 702820 (2008).
91) D. Stoler, W. Ruch, W. Ma, S. Chakravarty, S. Liu, R. Morgan, J. Valadez, B. Moore, J. Burns, Optimizing defect inspection strategy through the use of design-aware database control layers
, Proc. of the SPIE, 6730, 67303L (2007).
92) J-P. Sier, E.H. Lu, K. Bhattacharyya, S. Chakravarty, M. Lang, H. Schmalfuss, J. Heumann, T. Schulmeyer, Enhancing productivity and sensitivity in mask production via a fast integrated T+R pattern inspection and STARlight-2TM contamination inspection on critical layers
, Poster Presentation, SPIE Photomask Japan, April 17-19 (2007), Yokohama, Japan.
93) S. Chakravarty, P. Bhattacharya, Z. Mi, Electrically injected quantum dot photonic crystal microcavity light emitting arrays with air-bridge nano-contacts
, Oral Presentation IEEE LEOS, Oct 29-Nov 2 (2006), Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 4054336, 619 (2007)
94) S. Chakravarty, Z. Wu, and P. Bhattacharya, Electrically injected quantum dot photonic crystal microcavity light emitters and microcavity arrays
, Oral Presentation at 2006 Engineering Graduate Student Symposium, University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
95) S. Chakravarty, Y. Kang, J. Topolancik, P. Bhattacharya, M.E. Meyerhoff, S. Chakrabarti, Photonic crystal microcavity source based ion sensor
, Oral Presentation 4th IEEE Conference on Sensors, Oct 31-Nov 3 (2005), Irvine, CA; Proc. of IEEE Sensors, 1597807, 746 (2005)
96) S. Chakravarty, Y. Kang, J. Topolancik, P. Bhattacharya, M.E. Meyerhoff, S. Chakrabarti, Photonic crystal microcavity source based chemical sensor
, Oral Presentation Optics East Oct 22-26 (2005), Boston, MA; Proceedings of SPIE 600504 (2005).
97) S. Chakravarty, J. Topolancik, P. Bhattacharya, S. Chakrabarti, Electrically injected quantum-dot bottom emitting photonic crystal single mode microcavity light source
, Oral Presentation Device Research Conference, Jun 21-23 (2005), Santa Barbara, CA; 1553037, 19 (2005).
98) P. Chen, S. Chakravarty, P. Boolchand, and M. Micoulaut, Aging, reversibility window and fragility in GexPxSe1-2x bulk alloy glasses
, Annual APS March Meeting, March 22-26 (2004), Montreal, Quebec, Canada
99) S. Chakravarty, D.G. Georgiev, P. Boolchand, M. Micoulaut, Self-Organization in PxGexSe1-2x glasses
, Oral Presentation APS March Meeting, Mar 3-7 (2003), Austin, TX.
100) S. Chakravarty, D.G. Georgiev, P. Boolchand, Thermally reversing window in PxGexSe1-2x glasses
, Oral Presentation APS March Meeting, Mar 18-22 (2002), Indianapolis, IN.